2024-25 EPC Athletic Pass Information
Athletic Forms (2024-25)
WI Interscholastic Athletic Association Athletic Permit Card - Clearance from Doctor to participate in sports
(Athletes need this or something similar signed by their physician on file every other year)
WI Interscholastic Athletic Association Alternate Year Athletic Permit Card –
(Athletes need this on file on alternate years from their physical card above)
WIAA HS Athletic Eligibility Information Bulletin
(Athlete & Parent signs back page)
DPI Parent & Athlete Agreement
(Athlete & Parent completes and signs page 1 & 2)
(Athlete & Parent signs form – must be on file every 2 years)
DPI Concussion and Head Injury AND Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information-
(There are 3 pages to read.
Athlete & Parent must sign these agreement forms - Athlete Agreement / Parent Agreement)
(Must be completed and on file)
Parental Insurance Waiver (Must be completed and on file)
Student Accident Insurance Form
(This is for parents who might want to take out additional insurance)
Alternate Transportation Waiver - (Optional form to be used between athletes & their coaches)
(Please read and keep all but the last page. Athletes AND parents need to sign & return the last page)
Student athletes WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to participate in sports until all forms are complete and on file in the school office. If questions, please ask.
Nicole Freiermuth, Elmwood MS/HS Secretary freiermuthn@elmwood.k12.wi.us / (715) 639-2721
Michael Birtzer, Athletic Director birtzerm@elmwood.k12.wi.us / (715) 639-2721