ACT Aspire
The state required ACT Aspire has replaced WKCE testing for freshmen and sophomores. 9th and 10th grade students will take the computer-based test in the spring. Students will be assessed in reading, math, English, science, and writing.
Forward Exam
The state required Forward Exam has replaced the WKCE Exam in social studies. All sophomores take the Forward Exam in the spring.
The ACT is the preferred admissions test of colleges and universities through the Midwest. The ACT is given to all juniors in March. This test is now given during the school day and is free to all students. It is required by the state of Wisconsin. Students will be assessed in English, reading, math, science, and writing. Technical colleges do not require the ACT but may use it for admission. If students wish to retake the ACT, they may sign up on their own and do so using www.actstudent.org.
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is provided multiple times per year to interested juniors and seniors. The test includes a vocational component which many students use in the career development process. The ASVAB is required for students joining the military.
Students enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP) courses may earn college credit by earning qualifying scores on the AP national exam. Students must pay the fee of the exam. Reduction in fees are available for those with financial need. AP exams are scheduled for the first two weeks of May each school year.
All students in grades 9-11 will participate in ACT-style practice exams in the fall and spring of each year, leading up to the ACT exam when they are juniors. Horizon will give detailed reports to each student showing them their score in each subject area, as well as areas of strength and growth after each exam.