Middle School/High School Principal
Western Wisconsin Virtual Charter School Principal

Thomas Sauve
Elmwood High School strives to provide students with a high-quality education that allows them to meet the challenges of today's ever-changing world. With approximately 100 students enrolled, and over 15 dedicated staff members, Elmwood High School offers academic and extra-curricular opportunities that enrich the high school experience. Due to the size of Elmwood, students have the unique advantage of very small class sizes and small group instruction that meets the needs of a variety of learners. We have a culture of achievement, where we have set district ACT records in the last two academic years, which place us in great company with the best high schools in Wisconsin. Educators at Elmwood are devoted to embracing this culture to create a safe and caring environment focused on respect, responsibility, and community. If you would like to see our facilities or learn more about the district, we encourage you to come to Elmwood where I will personally meet with you for a tour and discuss the offerings at Elmwood.
If you would like to know more about our innovative virtual school that can make an individualized education plan for your student, please click on this link!
Thomas Sauve
Multiple class opportunities catered to your learning style.
Transcripted Credits (Credits earned in high school towards college) in a variety of classes through CVTC.
CVTC Academy options for college credit.
Advanced Placement programming.
ACT preparation for maximum ACT scores.
Apprenticeship and work release opportunities.
Individualized online offerings through Edmentum.
Strong music, art, and forensics programs.
Math and science offerings that run the range from basic to advanced.
An innovative Tech Ed. program with a full Fab Lab where students design and produce numerous items for sale to the community.
RtI based study hall hours where students can work with teachers for better understanding or enrichment opportunities in small group or one on one settings.
Spanish offerings that range from level 1 through 4.
Innovative technology to enhance education (SmartBoards and TVs, 1:1 Technology, Chromebooks, 3D Printers, etc.).
Quality and competitive athletic teams.
Supportive community.
Supportive staff geared to help students along their educational path.
Appealing Curriculum
Elmwood strives to ensure that reading is at the forefront of all academic activities, which includes new curriculum in our middle level grades.
Elmwood MS/HS offers research based math courses that meet the needs and abilities of all students. Starting in the 2020-21 school year, Elmwood phased in CPM Math, which is the highest rated curriculum on the market. We phased this curriculum in with our 6th grade students in Core Connections I, and with our 8th grade and 9th grade students in Integrated Math I, formerly Algebra I.
In the 2022-23 school year, we completed our transition with CPM with Core Connections III in the middle school, and Integrated Math III, formerly Algebra II. We are also continuing a Math Reasoning course through CVTC, where students can gain additional transcripted credit.
In the 2023-24 school year, we transitioned our 6-8th grade science curriculum to OpenSciEd, one of the top science curriculums available.
Enrichment Opportunities
Students will have an opportunity at Elmwood High School to take course work that will enrich their lives. Whether it is art, music, physical education, digital design, or Battle of the Chefs, students have almost all elective choices that will pique their interest.